
My First Day

I learned a lot how to disamsble a keyboard and a caculater. If was a lot of fun. Jake
today we tried to put linux on my computer, but the school's internet would not let us download it. then we biult a super thin keyboard as thin as this dash~. then we dissasembled and incorrectly assembled a calculator.next time we want to make 3d images of all the biuldings on campus. James G.

... what we did today!

Today we made a roll out keyboard because we dismantled the keyboard for the DDR dance-pad and we did other things too.----sethb1


... what we talked about today

we but down more software for our computer. than we talk about things like about the first computer and other things too. ------ sethb1

... what we talked about today

Today was the very first time i visited this club and now i want to join. today we talked about the history of computers and then i learned how to use Linux. I had heard of Linux before and thought it was a pritty cool idea, but i never would be able to use it. I thought that it was good only for basement hackers and computer science PHDs. i learned that my impressions were wrong and i am going to use DSL, or D@#$ small Linux to fix my computer. I will definitely come every Tuesday and the stuff they do her is very cool. James Gallagher


What we did today...

we kinda research how video games are made. than we updated the aggietech machine to use open gl. came up with initial idea for a DDR type game using a homemade controller ----sethb1

How Video Games Are Made

Here's a link I found while researching how video games are made. Click Here!