
today i beat seth at computer chess and stalemated with mr pellegrino. then we kept working on our encoding program.

What We Did Today...

I played some chess on the computer and I made a picture using GNU's GIMP program to make a new Linux logo. ----sethb1


what we did today

today I got more songs for stepmania so we get more fun that all that i did ----sethb1
to day was fun cause we made magnets with keyboard parts
We began making a contribution! Today we started making refrigerator magnets out of junked computer keyboards. We hope to donate them at the art auction (May 8th) -- Mr. P.
I learned how to putr a magnet on to a key and got super glue all over my hand! Jake



today i smashed stuff, i also tried to biuld a program called chicken, it makes codes.

What we did today...

today we got small magnets for our keyboard magnets idea but in order to do that we have to smash the small things they where attach to so ya. and I draw too. ----SETHB1-----


I had a lot of fun today and make and play sort of like DDR
I had a fun day!!!!!!

What we did today...

today I did today was that I was helping out the game stepmania to work so we can make our own DDR game with our own songs and even steps we can make. right know we have three songs for it so hope fully we can but more on next week so good bye.------SETHB1


Today we did not do very much. infact i think i did zip, but next time we are going to try to make a 3d biulding