
Macintosh, New Aggie Tech Machine, Kai's Software, and New Member

The new Aggie tech machine. It has cpu, memory card and power supply, video supplyand sound card. The new memders name is Jessica.-- Nathan The new Aggie Tech Club member is Jessica, me. Today we made a new machine, that has a cpu, a memory card, a video card and a power supply.-- Jessica 2day we learned about some parts of a computer and put it together--jasmine we learned how to assemble a computer and the main parts of a computer.---shoniece today we also got a macintosh.-----Sethb1



today i played chess i drew a drawing of a spiky person. i ate a rice crispy treat. also i played galaga -- nathan todaz I was finishing my drawing but hallfßwaz through I was destracted that is all I recalectßßß jasmine and shoniece


A Little About LOGO

LOGO is a programming language created by the good folks over at MIT some years ago. It's a great primer for structured/top-down programming and even robotics! It's also a very unforgiving language in that the old addage, to err is human shines out like a Phosphoric Molecule under heavy radiation!


The LOGO Programming Day!

Today we did the LOGO programming well tried... I made one but it did not go well.. that what we did today ----sethb1
I learn how to in put info 2 move the logo turtle.^_^----Shoniece
today in tech club we did logo turtles and drew pictures--jasmine
today i learned how to gragh on a caulator and use logo-- nathan
Today in tech club a learned some of the basics of designing a website.--Christopher Rita