

Members showed up at 3pm and signed in. We had a bunch of older computer parts donated to us for use in the Aggie Tech Club so we decided to build a computer that we would use exclusively for the club. Using a Power Supply, 1 Gig of Memory, A Hard Drive, CRT (Cathode Ray Tube), Fan, and a Motherboard we put one together. We can use it to do any future computer work for the club. The goal is to (next week) install DSL (a very tiny version of Linux) on it, along with Open Office and a few other Linux Goodies. It will be Microsoft Free! We'll have to install POV-Ray for its animation capabilities and NQC (Not Quite C) for its ability to program the Lego Mindstorm robot. It took almost the entire 2 hours to set up the machine. The CD-Drive is broken, so we need a new one, and the Hard-Drive is OS-less.

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